Welcome to My Portfolio

Hello I'm

Pranita Dane

I'm a Python Full Stack Developer

About Me

Hello I'm Pranita Dane

Creative and deligent aspiring Python Backend Developer with a specialization in Python backend. Currently, I recently graduated with a Masters of Computer Science postgraduate program from Pune University. I enjoy problem-solving and coding. Always strive to bring 100% to the work I do.

I have worked on technologies like Python, Django, MySQL, PostgreSQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap during my Master's. I have 5 months of professional work experience which helped me strengthen my experience in Python, Django, and MySQL. I am passionate about developing complex applications that solve real-world problems impacting millions of users.

Enthusiastic, with a keen interest in building and designing backend. Ability to learn things quickly and capable of working in a fast-paced and team-driven environment. Looking forward to sharpening my skills in a challenging environment.

My Education


M.Sc.(Computer Science)

Masters of Computer Science postgraduate with First class (66%) from K.K.W College Pimpalgoan (B), Savitribai Phule Pune University.


B.Sc.(Computer Science)

Bachelors of Computer Science graduate with First class (63%) from K.K.W College Pimpalgoan (B), Savitribai Phule Pune University.


Higher Education(HSC)

K.K.W College Pimpalgoan (B) with PCMB and secured Higher Second Class (56%) affilated by Maharashtra State Board of Higher Education.


Secondary Education(SSC)

Kanya Vidyalaya High School with Semi-English medium and secured Distinction (79%) affilated by Maharashtra State Board Secondary Education.

My Experience

IBM - Internship

Data Analytic Intern

I have completed a 6-week virtual internship in data analytics from IBM! This internship has given me hands-on experience with various data analytics tools and technologies, and has helped me hone my problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

**Key Features Of This Internship Program**

- During my internship at IBM, I participated in the "Analysis of Superstore Dataset" project.
- The project focuses on the analysis of sales and profit from the Superstore dataset using Python libraries and visualization tools like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib and Seaborn.
- Analyze sales metrics, trends, and factors influencing sales fluctuations.
- Analyze the profit and factors affecting profit of various items in the store.
-opportunity to learn the in-demand technology skills and work towards solving real world problems.

June 2023 - July 2023

CodeClause - Internship

Python Developer Intern

Internship under CodeClause has provided me a healthy and peaceful working environment. This internship program has helped me to boost up my skills, professional network and gain more knowledge in domain of Python Development.


• Developed and maintained robust web applications using Python and Django framework.
• Writing efficient and reusable code.
• Debugging and troubleshooting.
• Collaborating with cross-functional teams.
• Testing and quality assurance.

February 2023 - March 2023

Microsoft - Internship

Software Developer Intern

The Future Ready Talent virtual internship platform gives an opportunity to solve challenges and create innovative solutions using the power of Microsoft Azure & GitHub tools.

**Highlights of this internship program**

-190 hours of self-paced learning modules focused on fundamental and core Azure services.
-Industry sessions.
-Hands-on Labs.
-opportunity to learn the in-demand technology skills and work towards solving real world problems.
-Successful Project deployment on Azure cloud based on a Problem Statement of choice.

August 2022 - November 2022

My Skills









Google Cloud


My Soft Skills

Team collaborative

Time Management

Problem Sloving

Quick Learner

My Projects

bus reservation system in django

This Project intends to automate the purchase of online tickets through an easy online bus booking system. It contains the admin side and the user side.

Tech Stack used: written in Django and Python. It uses Python’s built-in database i.e. sqlite3

Invoice Generator

This invoice generator has functionalities of a bill-generating website. It also provides a separate billing section where the user can fill up the customer details. They can also save the invoice in pdf format.

Tech Stack used: python, Django, HTML5, CSS3

CRUD Django

This simple web-based CRUD application provides the simplest management of small records.it contains all the required functions which include adding, viewing, deleting and updating records.

Tech Stack used: Python using Django Framework.


The users can add their To-do just by clicking the add button. Then, the system will display them on the home screen. The user can also edit, delete or cross the list as per their wish.

Tech Stack used: Python, Django, HTML, CSS.


Blogging project is like medium.com, you can see different kinds of blog topics. In this project, you can also see how many visitors visit this website. you can see the visitor counter.

Tech Stack used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Health Care Hospital

This is the medical system that manages hospital activities. New patients can use the website to make an appointment online.

Tech Stack used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


365 Entertainment project is like hotstar.com, you can see the different categories of movies like Action, Drama, Sci-Fi. In this project, you can select the movie by genre. you can also search for the movie name.

Tech Stack used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript

Voter Registration Form

I have completed the Voter Registration Project. Voter Registration Project is like National Voter Service Portal Form used by the nvsp.in for registering new voters.

Tech Stack used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript


QuizApp project is like MCQ Based. A JavaScript Quiz App for to test your knowledge.

Tech Stack used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

My 📊 GitHub Stats

🔝 Top Contributed Repo

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Contact Info

Pimpalgoan (B), City:Nashik, State:Maharashtra